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スクリーンショット 2024-02-28 21.10.48.png

I love cosplay. I could say that dressing up as my favorite character is one of my reasons to live.

It also makes me very happy when I can transmit the fun of cosplay to other people.


Most Japanese have a bad image of cosplay, thinking that it's mostly some kind of indecent hobby.

Outside Japan, many cosplayers think that it is a way to make art by yourself.

I also think this way, so for me cosplay is not something to be ashamed of.

In the future I hope many Japanese people can be proud of cosplay as a part of our own culture.




I have joined different events to  in Japan (especially Osaka) while wearing cosplay. 


To improve the image Japanese people have of cosplay and also the image of the rest of the world about Japan, I have joined the following events:


- services to stimulate the local economy

- guide foreign tourist who like anime

- lecture to teach etiquette during the Nihonbashi Streer Festival

- radio programs 

- lectures for cosplay beginners

- photoshoots in different locations after getting the necessary authorization

- newspaper article  (Nikkei Newspaper 2020.3.3)

- visits to children's foster facilities

- cosplay photo exhibitions

I donated photo and costume toNational Museum of Denmark






















・日経新聞に掲載 (2020.3.3夕刊)




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